
Yellowstone is amazing! Photos don’t capture it. The caldera, which is the active volcanic zone, seems like it’s going to blow any day now. It steams and sprays and gurgles and bubbles like the earth has indigestion. The scent of sulfur is always in the air. And guess what, the park is called Yellowstone because of the yellow stone.

Excelsior Geyser Crater
Grand Prismatic Spring
Bison hoof prints on bacteria mat of Grand Prismatic Spring
Turquoise Pool
Old Faithful isn’t the largest or the most predictable geyser, but it is the most predictable large geyser.
Crested Pool
Dragons Mouth Spring
Mud Volcano
Lower Falls
“Land of the yellow stone”
Gibbon Falls
Artists Paint Pot
Mud geysers
Cistern Spring
Drenched by the Steamboat Geyser. Its eruption is random and unpredictable. We were lucky enough to be there during an eruption. Its previous one was 7 days prior. Its the world’s tallest geyser and erupts for several hours.
Bison shedding
Hayden Meadow
I took a solo bike ride to Natural Bridge…
and saw bear prints on the way.
Black bear
Gray wolf
Mammoth Hot Springs Terraces
Steamboat Geyser eruption from afar. We got drenched running through the monsoon-like downpour.
Steamboat Geyser eruption.
Lone Star Geyser. We took a five-mile bike ride to see the geyser, and it erupted while we were there!

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