Wildlife, part 2

So here are some more photos that we’ve taken since the last Wildlife post (no repeats). Enjoy!

Mayfly, Texas. The adults (pictured) appear in May and live for one day, have no mouths because they don’t eat, and their only task is to procreate. They look like a fairy.
For size perspective
White long-haired mountain goat, Colorado
Spotted lizard, Utah
Chippy, Utah. Obviously used to being fed by tourists.
Anemone, Oregon tide pool
Mussels, barnacles, and bright orange–shelled sea creature, Oregon tide pool
Bison, Yellowstone, Wyoming. The bison were shedding when we were there just at the beginning of summer. They say Yellowstone has two seasons: July and winter. lol
Bison, Yellowstone, Wyoming
Wolf, Yellowstone, Wyoming
Black bear, Yellowstone, Wyoming
Raven, Yellowstone, Wyoming. There were a lot of ravens there.
Pronghorn, Wyoming (aka American Antelope)
Frog (toad?), Kansas. It was giant and loud.
Black rat snake, Kansas
White (translucent) praying mantis, Texas
Mountain goat herd, Badlands, South Dakota
Prairie dogs, Badlands, South Dakota. They chirp when danger is near. Like tourists, for example.
Bighorn sheep, Badlands, South Dakota
RIP, Wyoming. I call them coyote bones, but IDK.
Armadillo, Texas. We see so many of them as road kill or walking along the highway, but were thrilled to see one in the wild.

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2 Replies to “Wildlife, part 2”

  1. Thank you for sharing. I never heard of Mayfly. One day WOW. They really do look like a fairy. Looking forward to your next post. Stay well!

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