
Here is some of the cool wildlife we’ve encountered on our trip so far!

Roadrunner, California. Meep meep!
Desert spiny lizard, California. These guys are about 6″ long and they are everywhere in the desert region.
Quail, California
Magpie, California
Scorpion, California. Glowing under a black light on a nighttime hike.
Tarantula, California. It was tarantula mating season (October), so we were able to spot several of them. One was crossing the road! Females can live 25 years.
Bobcat, California. Jeremy and Jackson were lucky enough to see this bobcat. This is the only photo they were able to capture before it trotted away.
Deer, California. The deer out west seem generally scrawnier than those in the northeast.
Wild pig, California
Wild pigs, California. They are most active in the evening and overnight, when they forage for roots, leaving holes and big piles of dirt all about.
Acorn woodpecker, California. These birds peck holes into trees (or buildings) and stuff acorns into them for winter.
Tree filled with acorns by Acorn woodpecker, California. We all assumed this was the work of a squirrel and were pretty shocked to learn it was done by a bird!
California live oak acorn (commonly used by the Acorn woodpecker)
Bats, Wyoming
Jackalope, Wyoming. “The Jackalope is known for its ability to imitate the human voice; it often accompanies cowboys singing to their herds, usually assuming the bass part. Seldom seen by day, the Jackalope is the rarest animal in North America.”
Elk, California. These elk were in the Redwoods area. They seemed to be a nuisance to some of the locals, as they cross the road fairly often.
Stellar’s jay, California. We saw this one at the coast.
Squirrels, California. (Foreground) Who knew squirrels lived this close to the ocean? (Sea gulls are in the background.)
Seals, California
Sea lions, Oregon coast
Sea lions, Oregon coast
Tiny crab, Oregon coast
Banana slug, Oregon. There are several different colors of the slug. They’re huge (5 or 6″) and come out when it rains.
Banana slug, Oregon. These slugs are also prevalent in the California Redwoods.
Northwestern salamander, Oregon
Brown creeper, Oregon. This little guy flew into our camper without us noticing.
Egret, Florida
Alligators, Florida
Great blue heron, Florida
Manatee, Florida
Sandhill cranes, Florida. These guys walked right through our campsite. They have a very loud, rattly bugle call that you can hear from a great distance.
Gopher turtle, Florida. These guys don’t swim, and sometimes near the beach, well-intentioned but misinformed do-gooders try to put them “back” into the ocean.
Deer, Texas
Jackrabbit, aka American desert hare, Texas. They are about the size of a large house cat (and cousin of the Jackalope).
Rose-bellied lizard, Texas
Wild turkey, Texas
Black vulture, Texas
Dung beetle, Texas
Dung beetle video, Texas

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