Waiting out coronavirus in Texas

SO the coronavirus pandemonium has temporarily interfered with the spirit of our trip, which is travelling North America to see and experience. But the key word is temporarily. We’re all looking forward to getting back to it. But in the meantime, as far as our daily life goes, things are fairly unaffected. Work, school, and daily chores continue as usual, and thankfully we are in the wide open spaces of Texas, where we can still get outside without violating the six-foot parameter rule. We’ve got hiking trails right outside our door, a beautiful lake to ride bike to, and a big campsite where we can light a campfire to cook s’mores and listen to coyotes howl. All campground amenities including pool and playground are closed, but thankfully nature isn’t. And since we have our own putters and golf balls, we can still try for a hole-in-one. (Jackson made one the other day, btw.👍) And, of course, we’ve got all of the streaming services and a Wii, lol.

Can you spot the deer?

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4 Replies to “Waiting out coronavirus in Texas”

  1. THANKS! You 3 are wonderful and I love you sooooo much! and love to hear from you! You sure made my day! THIS TOO SHALL PASS! From Gramma Barb

  2. Stay safe don’t let the corona’s bite. Last i knew Corona was a Mexican beer to drink , How did it mutate to a virus?

    1. I read a headline that said Corona production has been halted because of the pandemic (and not because of the name, lol)

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