Utah, part 2

In early September we returned to Utah to finish the “Mighty Five,” Utah’s five national parks: Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Arches and Canyonlands. We visited three of them in May and caught the last two at the end of the summer. Over the summer Utah’s high temps top 100 deg. F, so we found other things to do in the meantime😄. Canyonlands and Arches are close together, so we visited both parks in one day, starting early and ending late. We took four hikes, totaling 7.5 miles. This was an awesome day!

Our boondocking spot in Moab


Mesa Arch
A butte
Grand View Point Overlook
Some hoodoos


There is a sheer drop-off on the left side of the trail.
Delicate Arch – Jeremy and Jackson are standing under it.
Tried to get a selfie with the arch in the background, lol.
Landscape Arch
Pooped at the end of the day.
Balanced rock


On the way from Utah desert boondocking to Colorado, we stopped by the Colorado National Monument.

Balanced rock – we’ve seen a lot of these out west. It’s true what you see in the cartoons, lol!

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7 Replies to “Utah, part 2”

  1. CHUST AMAAAASING! (comment from Amish Country) lol. Wonderful goot pickshures! lol. Why can’t we have those beautiful things to do and see in Pa? You see those beautiful places and we have to go to the barn to milk the cows and feed the chickens! lol! Keep those adventure pics comin. I really look forward to seeing and reading them. Sooooo happy for you! Love you soooo much! Gramma

  2. Please keep me informed. Really look forward to reading and seeing your adventures. Love, Gramma

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