To the coast!

After Utah we headed once again to the Pacific coast so that our niece could see the ocean. We stopped in northern California to revisit the Redwoods and beach, then drove north on the Pacific Coast Highway to the mid-Oregon coast. We visited Lost Creek State Park, Ona Beach State Park, Seal Rock State Park, and Sand Dunes National Recreation Area. Then we zipped over to Deschutes National Forest. We all love the coastal natural beauty!


Beach at the Redwoods
Driftwood shelter
Circles in the sand
Redwoods National and State Parks

OR-AGAIN (Oregon again😄 – Jackson came up with that one!)

Sand Dunes National Recreation Area
We saw all kinds of sea birds at Seal Rock State Park…
and tide pools.
There were sea anemones, barnacles, mussels, and sea life with some brightly colored shells!
We took a 6.5 mile hike to Benham Falls in Deschutes National Forest.

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6 Replies to “To the coast!”

  1. More than ever I am jealous of your travels!!! 🙂 Jackson is a growing weed!! Your pictures are amazing!

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