Swimming in the Gulf of Mexico!

This was such a fun day in July. There was a heat wave sweeping most of the nation, but we didn’t notice in the comfort of the ocean breeze on Galveston Island, TX! The super warm water made it easy to lose track of time for the hours that we were in it. We ate at Pizza Hut and then rented a surrey to ride along the beachfront at sunset.

Street-side parking is available along the main boulevard that runs parallel to the ocean, but fills up early. We ended up parking in a grass lot full of prickly plants (capable of piercing flip-flops) with a $10 parking sign, though we never ended up paying because there was nobody on-site to pay. Thankfully our truck was still there at the end of the day, because we later learned from the surrey-rental lady that the owner of the lot regularly has vehicles towed. Yikes! Needless to say, we moved our truck next door to her parking lot while we rode the surrey, lol.

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