Portland and the World of Speed

The World of Speed Museum was a blast! It’s a car racing history museum that we heard about through a vlogger we watch regularly. (In fact a number of awesome activities that we’ve experienced in our travels have been on the recommendations of vloggers.) Jackson loves cars and racing, so stopping here was a no-brainer. He raced in a NASCAR simulation and did really well, and he also tried out the role of mechanic in a really fantastic STEM mechanical area for kids.

NASCAR racing simulator
Work orders with instructions for kids to complete tasks in the STEM mechanical area

We only spent a few hours in Portland, Oregon, but we had a good time there. We rode the aerial tram cable car, ate at Little Big Burger where they serve realistic-portion-sized burgers with big flavor, and strolled about a city park for a bit. We noticed that Portland is very bike friendly, with generous bike lanes and accessibility.

A nice lady who had an extra Family Ticket for the aerial tram that she didn’t have time to use gave it to us while we were in line to purchase one and saved us the expense – so kind!
The shadow of the tram
Don’t get your bike wheel stuck in the electric trolley track!
Downtown green space
Portland recycles

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