Our groovy Halloween – campground fun

We’ve spent the past several weeks having a blast in Palm Springs, CA. Over the weekend we enjoyed a potluck, pumpkin carving, and a costume parade. Jackson had the great idea for us to all dress up as hippies! It was a lot of fun. To get into character we doused ourselves in Patchouli. We made hot dogs in the Instant Pot for the potluck. We were nervous about how they’d turn out preparing them this way as it was our first time doing so, but they actually turned out well and were a hit. We also brought buns, ketchup and mustard. Halloween night was trick-or-treat night. Jackson got a lot of candy. We had 17 kids come by.

Peace, friends!
Taco Bob!

The campground has over 80 date palms. We’d never tried dates before, but the activities coordinator was so kind as to give us a package harvested here at the campground. We googled some recipes and made peanut butter–stuffed dates with cinnamon sprinkle (the three flavors go so well together) and chocolate date cookies, which were marvelous! We are now date fans. We still need to try a local favorite: date shakes.

The bags hanging from the palms are placed to catch the dates
Chocolate date cookies, yum!

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6 Replies to “Our groovy Halloween – campground fun”

  1. WOW! So interesting! You all look so great but Taco Bob gets the costume prize and Hippie JD gets the neat hair prize. Halloween here was rain and wind and tornado watch. It is supposed to stop tonight sometime. Most of the towns Trick-or-Treat and Parades have been cancelled til tomorrow. Have fun! Love, Gramma

  2. Very neato guys! We are glad to see you all are having such an groovy time in California!
    Taco bob looks so happy in his costume!
    It was so cold here during Halloween so we didn’t do much trick or treating. We did go to a party at a church. We had chili and brownies while playing many games!
    Ry’s costume was a Hit!!
    Safe travels to your next adventure!

    1. Thanks guys! Glad you all had a fun Halloween! Ry’s VCR hat was awesome!
      Bob loves to wear sweaters so he probably thought his taco was a sweater! Lol 🙂

  3. Dates are very good for you eat many great source of potassium and many other vitamins. Happy Halloween all! That means you 2 Taco Bob lol

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