In Loving Memory of Bob

Bob lost his three-year battle with kidney disease this week. He was nine years old. He was the best dog and a wonderful travelling companion. We all miss him tremendously. We notice all the ways his presence is absent, from greeting us at the door, eating stray cheerios from the floor, and cuddling up with us everywhere. He was always up for any adventure and very go-with-the-flow about life, and he loved everyone. Here is a photo montage of Bob and his chill, adventurous life.

We love you, Bob!

We adopted Bob from the SPCA in 2014 when he was three. He was surrendered only 10 minutes before we arrived—it was meant to be. This was his first day home. He adjusted to life with us quickly, and vice-versa.
Fishing trip!
Tent camping in Virginia!
Oh boy, leaf pile!
Trick-or-treat sweater!
Merry Christmas!
Pink Bob!
Another fishing trip!
Bob’s favorite spot in our first little camping trailer!
Bob loved to lay in and on soft things.
Ready to zzzz
Bob at the Badlands!
Bob hiking at the Bighorn Mountains!
Bob in his R2D2 sweater!
Bob at the Oregon coast!
Taco Bob in California!
Bob at the Petrified Forest!
Elf Bob!
More zzzz’s
We miss you Bob!❤

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8 Replies to “In Loving Memory of Bob”

  1. AWE! May Bob rest in peace! Skylar, Lexus and Karly are sleeping here overnight. The three are already in bed but i will show them your blog in the a.m. Thanks ! Bob sure had a good life with you three. Love, Gramma

  2. Awww, I’m so sorry to hear that you guys, Bob was a wonderful K-9 companion. When we loose our best friend its a truly sad day it never gets easier loosing a loved one. But we can all rejoice in knowing that our friend is in a better place, there suffering is over. Bob will always be with us, he will continue to be a part of our hearts. We shall miss him, and cherish the fond memories. God bless you Bob. We love you, Grandpa

  3. I’m sorry to hear about Bob. He was such a good boy. You gave him a good life and the adventure of a lifetime!

  4. I’m sorry to hear about Bob, it’s never easy losing a pet. But, may I ask is pink Bob an alter ego or was he washed with a red sweater?

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