Great Sand Dunes National Park

The tallest sand dunes in North America are located in Colorado. As you approach them, people climbing them look like tiny ants crawling on ant hills. As you trudge up them, the almost constant wind blows sand against your legs and the dry air causes you to drink thirstily, but it’s never quite enough. But it’s worth it. We’ve never seen anything quite like it. Visiting the great dunes is different than being at coastal sand dunes. These are larger, drier, and in the middle of nowhere. The sand particles come from surrounding mountains and used to be on the bottom of a lake. As the lake dried up over the past half-million years, the opposing winds and rains created the massive sand pile-ups.

Jeremy took a solo climb all the way up to the highest point of the dunes.
We rented sand sleds. People also sand board down the dunes.
Like ants crawling on ant hills.
Our view from the campground.
We went for a bike ride at Garden of the Gods and took the scenic drive. We were here 16 years ago!

We’ve been making several posts at a time lately, trying to catch up! We got really behind by just enjoying the moment, lol. But we’re getting there.❤

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2 Replies to “Great Sand Dunes National Park”

  1. Wonderful good photos ! ( from Gramma, Lancaster County Dutch country ) lol! Stay safe , Thanks for the photos and have a safe trip! Tell Jackson Skylar turns 5 next week. She wishes he would be here to play with her. (How time flies! ) lol!

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