Back to Texas & Halloween

After Roswell we headed back to Texas, where days are still warm and swimming pools are open into November. In the same weekend Jackson was stung by a scorpion and I was bitten by a venomous spider, lol. Jackson’s sting was at the pool, where a scorpion darted out of the grass at the edge of the fence, stung him, and then dove into the hot tub. Apparently they are attracted to water. And fortunately there are no dangerous scorpions in Texas.

The following day while packing up camp I ventured very slightly into the woods and realized a few hours later that I’d been bitten by a spider. My foot swelled like a balloon from the ankle down and my toes were like sausages. The fang entry points became two little white blisters. Thankfully the swelling went down after two days. Adventure! 😄

Check out another longhorn pic. Apologies for the blur. Both my phone camera and old-fashioned camera were damaged in Yellowstone this summer.
This sick campfire got a bit tall, lol.
One campground we stayed at was in a pecan grove, and the nuts came into harvest just as we were there. Lucky timing. They were delicious.
Harry loves bike riding! I started pushing him in the basket from Day 1, and success! Now I can ride with him. We’ve even had to get a bigger basket as he’s grown.

We basically never used the outdoor TV for the first year of our travels. But since covid has limited activities, we’ve been so happy for it! We light a campfire and watch movies, shows and streaming outside. We even added a Roku out there. Lately we’ve watched game shows, Halloween Wars, ALF, YouTube and movies including Twister, Jurassic Park, Avatar, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And, of course,…

…Star Trek. lol


We had a great Halloween, despite covid. We carved pumpkins, Jackson made a tie-dye shirt, we went on a glow hay ride, and then screamed (well, just me) on a haunted trail.🎃

Jackson went as Mario
Jeremy as…(too soon?)
And I went as myself.
Harry went batty
Annual tradition of roasted pumpkin seeds….YUM. Delicious and nutritious🤓

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6 Replies to “Back to Texas & Halloween”

  1. Wow! Thanks for sending your blog once again. I sure look forward to them! Can’t wait to see you once again. The 4 of you are sure looking good! I’m sooooo proud of you! I’ll be calling you again one of these days. Love you lots and STAY SAFE! Gramma

  2. Happy to hear all of you are feeling better since your bug incidences! Safe travels😊 So enjoy all you adventures.

    1. They were amazing – didn’t realize what a difference it makes eating them just after they’ve fallen off the tree!

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