Art from the road

Just for fun. Here’s some artwork inspired by our travels over the past year. Hope you enjoy!


Crayon Dinosaurs. Inspired by the life-size dinosaurs of Prehistoric Gardens, set in Oregon’s temperate rainforest.

Watercolor Manatees. My manatee friends who cluster around Florida’s warm springs in wintertime.

Colored pencil Shells of Galveston. The warm waters of Galveston Island, Texas wash up tropical shells.

Acrylic Saguaros. Attempting to capture one of those brilliant Arizona sunsets.

BONUS: Jackson’s Acrylic Saguaro at Sunset

Watercolor Treasures of Oregon’s Coast. I think the Oregon coast is my favorite place to visit the ocean. It’s too cold to swim there, but it has expanses of beautiful coastline free of human interference.😊

Colored pencil Falconer. A gentle yet fierce falconer at Orlando’s Medieval Times whom I could only see in anime. So I drew her that way.

Colored pencil Utah. Utah is beautiful. Red rock contrasts with big blue sky. Life springs from the most unlikely places.

Poster paint Bison of Yellowstone. Can you spot the Bison hoof prints in the background? Bison scat and prints can be found all around the geysers, hot springs, and bacteria mats (which is the orange part around the pool above). The animals are comfortable in their surroundings.👍

Watercolor from California’s Coast. The most important job in humanity. Listening, and accepting the individual for who s/he is.


We’ve been hanging out in Texas for a few weeks, going to the pool everyday. It’s been an easy breezy summer so far (thanks to the pool. Otherwise it would just be stinking hot and we wouldn’t be lingering in Texas for so long, lol.)

Happy Birthday, Ashley!🐞

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5 Replies to “Art from the road”

  1. Very interesting! Thanks! Darn hot here also! Your Dad’s here today and Gramma made delicious corn pie! Wish we could give you some! Today too hot to do anything but be lazy. Stay safe! Love You 3.

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