Among the giants – Redwood National and State Parks

Complete awe! California’s coastal redwoods are like nothing else. Some adjectives we used during our time here: big, beautiful, imposing, amazing. Pictures don’t do the trees justice, but we surely took plenty.

Redwoods can live over 2,000 years each. Some of the trees we saw have lived during the times of Cleopatra, the crusades, the vikings, Columbus, the pilgrims, Abraham Lincoln and the creation of the national parks system. It was painful to realize how many giants have been logged in the past. But due to some smart, fore-thinking and persistent folks in history, hundreds live.

You can tell the difference between old growth forests that were not logged and new growth forests that were. Some birds will only live in old growth forests. It is worth visiting both for comparison. We visited old growth at Lady Bird Johnson Grove and Prairie Creek State Park, and new growth at the Trees of Mystery. Redwoods have a tenacity for life, with the ability to withstand fire and utilize many tactics for growth and survival.

We had a great time here and would recommend this visit to anyone! Jackson earned his Junior Ranger badge here!

Tenacity for life: the trunk “floating” on the right side of the main tree lives
This tree lives despite being hollow the whole way up through the top
We rode the SkyTrail cable car ride through the redwoods
View from top of cable car ride: Pacific Ocean in background
This museum display highlights the universal experience of man, showcasing the similar construction of early baskets from sites all over the world
Paul Bunyan was born in California, Washington and Maine, among other states, according to logging camp lore, lol
Jackson is sitting on Paul’s boot
This shoreline is part of the Redwood parks

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